this flowchart is about software development.
you start the process with the designing of the software. then you move on to the coding which you then test.
you will then check if there are any errors in the design or the coding. if not, then the software is complete.
if there are errors, you will then have to check whether the errors are from the design or the coding. if it isn't a design error, then you must go back before the coding and work from there.
if it's a design error then you have to go back to the start and the process keeps going.
this next flowchart is something about temperature.
when it starts, it reads the temperature.
then it starts the desicion making. if the temperature is below 32, then it prints "below freezing" .
if the temperature isn't below 32, then it prints "above freezing". then the flowchart ends.
the last flowchart is about some switch.
it starts off by asking, is the switch on?. if it isnt it goes back to the beginning until it is turned on.
once it is on, the LED should be turned on. then it starts the timer.
then it asks another question - has 1 second expired?.
if it hasnt, then it goes back to just after the starting of the timer.
if it has, then you turn off the LED, then reset the timer, and the flowchart finishes.
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