Free-form select: a tool used to select an image by drawing around it; sort of like cropping an image...
Select: something that makes a box around an image; the image can also be moved around
Eraser/Colour eraser: just like a real eraser - rubs out whatever you want to rub out
Fill with colour: fills something with colour; something you draw...
Pick Colour: selecting a colour from the colour thingy down at the bottom.....[i was wrong... you select it and it copies the colour...]
Magnifier: makes something bigger (and i mean big..)
Pencil: like a normal pencil, you draw with it [obviously..]
Brush: like a paintbrush; you can choose whatever width and style
Airbrush: like a spraycan~
Text: draws a box where you can type stuff in it
Line: draws straight lines .... o_o
Curve: o_o ... draws curves.. [doesn't the name say it all..]
Rectangle: draws rectangles of any size
Polygon: hmm.... draws lines continuously; it goes on and on and on and on....
Ellipse: draws ovals or circles or ellipses or whatever else is round.
Rounded rectangle: okay.. basically.. the definitions of the ellipse and rectangle combined - rectangles with round corners~
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